USSSA All American Program FAQ

Please read below to find answers to our most frequently asked questions regarding the USSSA All American Program

What is the USSSA All American Games?

  • The USSSA All American Fastpitch Program created an environment where athletes are evaluated by the top players and coaches in softball based on the athlete’s skill level and athleticism. Athletes who are selected to their regional teams will then compete against the other teams in the fifth annual USSSA All American Games. The games will be held July 22-27th, 2019 and will be located at the USSSA Space Coast Complex in Viera, Florida.

The All American Fastpitch Program will host 20 tryouts throughout eight regions around the country. The top 26 athletes will be selected to represent their respective region to create two teams per age group (9u-14u) with 13 players on the rosters. The 14u age group will only have one team of 13 players selected per region.

What is the USSSA All American Tryout?

  • The USSSA All American Fastpitch Program will host 20 tryouts throughout eight regions around the country. The top 26 athletes will be selected to represent their respective region to create two teams per age group (9u-14u) with 13 players on the rosters. The 14u age group will only have one team of 13 players selected per region.

The tryout portion of the USSSA All American Program is used to identify the top level fastpitch players in the age group of 9U-14U.  All tryouts will allow each player equal opportunity to showcase their skills in hitting, throwing, fielding, pitching/catching, and athletic testing. Participants will be evaluated on two positions, primary and secondary.

In addition, the USSSA has joined efforts with the National Professional Fastpitch league to provide a unique experience for players and parents. As part of the tryout, players and parents will be educated about colleges recruiting, Professional Fastpitch and the core values of USSSA.

Who will run the tryout/showcase?

  • Every tryout will follow the same format. All tryouts will allow each player equal opportunity to showcase their skills in hitting, throwing, fielding, pitching/catching, and athletic testing. Participants will be evaluated on two positions, primary and secondary. The USSSA All American staff will consist of current and former USSSA Pride Players, College Coaches, other high level coaches and other National Pro Fastpitch Players.
  • An evaluation scale has been created to grade the players by former USSSA Pride Players, College Coaches, other high level coaches and other National Pro Fastpitch Players.

Who will select the USSSA All American Teams?

  • The staff from USSSA All American Athletics (an independent organization) will select the USSSA All American Teams. Players will be selected by scores associated only with the tryout.  There will be no outside influences when evaluating a participant or in selecting the teams. All scores are non-negotiable, the scores that are given by the evaluators will be the scores calculated in the overall evaluation.

What do I get for my money?

  • Each player will receive a USSSA All American t-shirt at the tryout, an evaluation of their skills from the tryout listed on each participants USSSA profile, instruction from USSSA Pride Players and other professional and college players as well as coaches, and a chance to play in the 4th Annual USSSA All American Games. If chosen for the USSSA All American Team each player will receive 2 jerseys.  There is an addition $150 entry fee to play in the USSSA All American Games if selected.

Are there any additional fees for players who are selected?

    • Yes, there will be a $175 fee for the players that are selected to play in the USSSA All American Games. Additionally, each player is responsible for getting to Viera, FL, their food, transportation and lodging, etc. during the USSSA All American Games.
    • It is each individual player’s responsibility for transportation, lodging, etc. during the culminating event.  The USSSA Space Coast Complex is a Stay-To-Play venue and we have partnered with Anthony Travel to offer you housing options for the Event.  All participants must book through Anthony Travel to be eligible to participate in the USSSA All American Games.

    Lodging information for this event

    Anthony Travel is steadily working at adding more locations and additional rooms.  So, if you don’t see something that fits your need please do not hesitate to reach out to them directly via email at or via phone at 855-501-7114.

    If you have any further questions about housing/accommodations please contact Stephanie Taylor at USSSA National HQ either via email at or via phone at 321-877-0627.

Can my daughter attend a tryout outside of our region?

  • Yes, she may attend a tryout outside of her region.  She will be eligible to make the USSSA All American Team for the region that she tried out in.

Can my daughter participate in multiple tryouts?

  • Yes, your daughter may participate in multiple tryouts in multiple regions.  She will be eligible to make a team in any of the regional tryout locations that she attends. We will take each tryout as an individual event.  We will not be combing scores from multiple events to create a master score.

What age do I register for?

Can my daughter tryout for the team one year older than her league age?

  • No, she will only be eligible to try out for the age group that your birthday allows.

What is the registration deadline?

  • The online registration will close 2 full days (12 midnight) prior to the event or once it is sold out, whichever comes first (example, tryout on Sunday, the registration will close 12:01 am Friday morning).  Registration can be done online at a discounted rate of $150 prior to the event or as a walkup at the field for $200. We will only be taking walk-ups if we have not reached our limit on participants.

What positions can I select?

  • Each participant can select two positions only.  They will be eligible to make the USSSA All American Team for either their primary or secondary position or both.  We will pick the best players to fit the needs of that particular team based on their scores from the tryout.
  • Once on the team players may be asked to play other positions based on the needs of the team. They will only play positons they are comfortable playing.  We do this to maximize their playing time while attending the games.  Players will not be guaranteed a specific number of innings at their primary position during the games however we will have guidelines in place for the coaches to follow.

What do I do after I register my daughter for the tryout?

  • The USSSA All American Tryout Director will be sending out an email a few days before the event with all the specific information.
  • Any and all updates will be listed on the event page
  • Also, we will be using all social media avenues through USSSA to indicate any changes to the tryout.
  • Please make sure to check the weather hotline

Does my daughter need an invite or is it open to all players?

  • The USSSA All American Tryout is open to all players who want to participate (ages 9U-14U).

When will the teams be selected?

  • At the conclusion of each tryout we will be identifying the top performers in each age group to be named as the “Direct Select” players for the USSSA All American Team.  Direct Selections will be released once results are posted for that specific tryout event.  All “Direct Select” players will earn an automatic invite into the USSSA All American Games. The remaining roster selections will be released after the conclusion of the last showcase for the season.  Players and parents will not be notified prior to the airing of the Selection Show.  Participants will be given 72 hours to accept a position on one of the regional USSSA All American Teams. We will not announce the American and National Teams until a week before the Futures All American Games and participants will not be able to move teams.

I am a coach, can my whole team attend?

  • Yes, the tryout is open to all players (9U-14U) however, they will be trying out on an individual basis, not as a whole team.

How long is the tryout?

  • We anticipate the tryout to last approximately four hours, providing there isn’t any weather or field issues. This is an approximation, depending on numbers at the tryout it could be shorter or longer.  It is important that each player get evaluated fairly so we will stay until we have completely evaluated every participant.
  • With that being said, this is a tryout and not a camp. There will be more standing around then at a normal camp.  It is the participant’s responsibility to keep themselves warm and ready to go once their evaluation time comes.
  • All pitchers will have time during the tryout to warm up. They will not need to throw pitches before the tryout to get warm.

How will I know if my daughter is selected for the USA Elite Select All American Team?

  • It is imperative you supply completely accurate information when registering your child as well as updating her Guardian Profile. We will contact each player’s parents as well as post the rosters online. They will be publicly announced according to the Selection Show.
    Players and parents will not be notified prior to the airing of the Selection Show.  Participants will be given 72 hours to accept a position on one of the regional Futures All American Teams. We will not announce the American and National Teams until a week before the Futures All American Games.

Can I enter my team into the USA Elite Select USSSA All American games?

  • No, only the selected USSSA All American regional teams will participate in the USSSA All American Games.

Who will coach the Futures All American Teams?

  • The USSSA All American Teams will be coached by current and former college softball players along with other high level selected coaches.

If my daughter makes the Futures All American Team will there be practices throughout the year?

  • No, the only practices will be during the actual week of the USSSA All American Games.  Participants are encouraged to play throughout the year with their select travel or recreation teams.

What pitching dimensions and ball size will be used for my daughter’s age group?

  • 10U: 11 inch ball, 35 feet
  • 11U: 12 inch ball, 40 feet
  • 12U: 12 inch ball, 40 feet
  • 13U: 12 inch ball, 43 feet
  • 14U: 12 inch ball, 43 feet

My daughter is a pitcher, who will warm her up and catch for her during the tryout?

  • For the pitching evaluations we will use a catcher from the tryout to warm up and catch the pitchers. The pitchers and catchers will be evaluated at the same time.