
Director Phase 1 Approaching Soon!  Work to begin on setting up your director accounts will begin this week, look for more information and forms on



As we approach the launch of the USSSA/GotSport management platform, we want to send more information to keep everyone informed of the process and prepare you for the upcoming steps that will need to be taken to get you into the system and your States and Companies set-up properly.

As a reminder, here is the Phase Plan for Directors:

  • Phase 1:  April 15, 2021 
    • RMP, Directory account retrieval 
    • Update account information and complete requirements 
    • Create Organization (ex. tournament company) 
    • Add organization staffing and set role 
    • Background check completion (all Directors) 
  • Phase 2: May 15, 2021 
    • Event Creation 
  • Phase 3: June 15, 2021 
    • Open Events for Registration 
      • Entry Management 
      • Event Approval  
    • Event Management 
    • Event Sanctioning 


The first step in this process will be getting your User account created and built in GotSport.  We will be collecting more information for this system and creating your accounts new.  Along with that and the change in structure as to how GotSport organizes directors, we will be creating a brand new account for you and any new directors.

GotSport Organizational Structure

We as an organization are not changing the operational structure of how our association functions.  This is important to state as we talk through this discussion.  

  • RMP(Region Money Person)/State Directors still exist and manage a region.
  • Directors are given permissions that control what they are allowed to do and see within any given regions.
  • Directors can operate in multiple states with the appropriate permissions.  In the GotSport system this WILL NOT require multiple accounts, only one sign-on.
  • Directors can be State level in one State and not in another.
  • We can still split states to provide the best opportunity for growth and management.
The hierarchy of HQ -> to RMP/State Office -> Local Director will still remain in place.  We are detailing here the changes in the GotSport software and how this data is collected, organized, and stored.
GotSport Organizational Hierarchy
  • HQ Organization
    • HQ Staff
  • RMP/State Office Organization
    • RMP/State Office Staff
  • Director Organization
    • Director Organization Staff


One key difference to the GotSport system is that instead of directors being the singular unit, they have ORGANIZATIONS.  Think of this as a “TEAM” that you are on.  You as a director will be in charge of your organization and control all of the information and people within it. 
RMP/State Level Organizations
There will be an Organization at the RMP/State Level.  This organization is different than your Tournament Company.  This organization will by created by HQ and will be the Region/Sport organization, for example, Iowa USSSA Baseball, Alabama USSSA Fastpitch, or New Mexico/W Texas Baseball.  We will assign the RMP Director User Account as the admin of that Organization.
Once assigned as the Admin, the User will be able to add additional existing user accounts to the Organization and assign their Role and Permissions within the Org.
Local Director/Tournament Company Organizations
The organizations will be placed under the appropriate RMP organizations for event management, communication, and financial tracking.
As above, all Local Director Organizations will be created by HQ (individual users cannot create these) and we will assign the Director responsible for this organization as the admin.  That director will add additional existing user accounts to the Organization and assign their Role and Permissions within the Org.
Changes in User Accounts
Moving forward, any user that has access to the system will be required to have their own account.  There will be no more “generic” user accounts such as “XXX State Office” or “Softball Tournament Company”.  user accounts are required to be an individual’s name and tied to that individual.  Each director will be required to sign waivers and agreements and pass a background check before they can gain access to the system.
Organization Account Set-Up and User Account Set-up
In the coming days, RMP’s will be sent a form to complete.  This form will help us set-up both their RMP/State Office Organization and their Tournament Company Organization.
In this form you will be asked to do the following:
  • Supply RMP Organization Staff Members (with or without a current account and complete contact information for any new members)
  • Supply Tournament Company information (name, contact info, EIN, etc.)
  • Supply Tournament Company Staff Members (with or without a current account and complete contact information for any new members)
  • Review a list of directors that have run events within your Region, and ask for an approval of these directors if they are still active or need to be removed.
Once this is done, we will send the same survey (for Tournament Company Org) to each of those directors to get set-up.
We cannot create Director Organizations/Accounts until each of these forms is returned, and thus directors will not be able to gain access to the GotSport system until this is completed.  
Once the Phase 1 activities are available, we will trigger a password to be sent to all directors.